Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Beginning this journey...

So after last Thursday and being with family all weekend...my doctors appt yesterday...today was trying to return back to work and life. I guess I thought that I could just float right back into it and go on with life until my surgery but today was not what I expected at all. I had two jobs scheduled today and only did the one. I spent the rest of the afternoon on the couch. Then towards evening, it hit me and I got emotional. I have to accept that I won't be able to do the things that I could do for awhile. If you know me you know that I kind of obssess about having a clean house and right now it is far from clean! I try to just look the other way and know that it's not going anywhere! :) I'm just waiting on the exact date for the surgery so I have something to work towards, I feel like that will give me some focus! On a positive note I have been absolutely overwhelmed with the support of my friends and family! I am so so blessed!! Praying for alot of energy for tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you, Erica!! Hang in there... You're alot stronger of a woman than I would ever be in that situation!! Don't give up!
